Sacost Observes 2018 UN-World Environment Day Celebration in Collaboration with SHAPE Attitude Ghana
The Centre for School and Community Science and Technology Studies (SACOST) of the University of Education, Winneba (UEW) in collaboration with Department of Theatre Arts and Shape Attitude Ghana on Tuesday, 5th June, 2018 observed this year’s UN-World Environment Day Celebration at the Winneba Lorry Station.
The event which was to raise global awareness about the declining condition of the environment as well as educate people on the importance of keeping healthy and maintaining a green environment was held under the theme “Beat Plastic Pollution”.
In his address, the Director of Quality Assurance, Prof. Yaw Ameyaw who chaired the occasion indicated that the chemical structures of plastics make it resistant to many natural processes of degradation and consequently difficult to degrade; causing environmental pollution. “Plastic waste is the major material that we carelessly dispose of which chokes our gutters, thereby causing floods in many of our cities and towns.” He said.
Prof. Yaw Ameyaw proposed to sachet and bottled Water Production Companies to mount plastic collection stands at vantage places such as lorry stations, transport exit points, play grounds, stadia, market places, schools or institutions and mechanic garages for easy collection of plastic waste.
In his Welcome Address, Deputy Registrar, Institute for Educational Research and Innovation Studies (IERIS), Mr. Francis Akrono reiterated that plastic waste has been a menace to the society and the nation as a whole.
“When you move to every corner of our society, you notice that plastic waste is causing serious problems to every aspect of our lives. Move to every gutter in our community and you notice that those gutters are choked with plastic waste. Therefore it is a thought in the right direction that we chose the theme ‘Beat Plastic Pollution’.” He said.
Mr. Victor Francis Darbah, the Ag. Head of SACOST, revealed in his discourse that Winneba used to be a very clean and nice town in every aspect but the attitude of its inhabitant’s towards cleanliness seem to be diminishing in recent times, and therefore needed to be revived.
In his speech, the Director of Shape Attitude Ghana, Mr. Wonderful Baisie Ghartey charged all stakeholders such as the Effutu Municipal Assembly, Security Personnel, Ghana Private Road Transport Union (GPRTU), Institutions and Opinion Leaders to enforce laws that will deter people from littering and also take responsibility to ensure that the right thing is done always.
The event saw a splendid and educative performance from the Department of Theatre Arts on how one can be an advocate of cleanliness and conscientise the society on personal hygiene. The event also witnessed the outdooring of a Bio-degradable Waste-bag for public vehicles use. The product which aims at dealing with plastic pollution was invented by Mr. Kenneth Acquah of Pleasant Supplies (a plastic manufacturing company).
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